We Can - Community Can Appeal
26 November 2021
The cupboards are bare, and our foodbanks desperately need restocked, so Dunedin Venues, Otago Rugby, Highlanders and Otago Cricket have joined forces to help. A call has gone out to their partners and the community asking for support in the upcoming fundraising event. The aim is to promote this widely and encourage as many people to get involved as possible.
Terry Davies, CEO at Dunedin Venues said “We have incredible partners, Otago Cricket, Otago Rugby, Highlanders, Commercial Sponsors and Members. All parties involved have outstanding networks that will make a real difference within our community. We hope this becomes an annual event”.
How it works is purchase some essential and non-perishable items to donate. Drop off your donations at Forsyth Barr Stadium on the 1st December from 12noon to 7pm and be greeted by one of your favourite Dunedin Sport Stars.
We’re really passionate about supporting our community and getting in behind this appeal was a no brainer for us. We know it’s been a tough couple of years with COVID and we hope that our fans and commercial partners feel as strongly as we do and help us restock the foodbanks, so no one misses out this Christmas.” – Roger Clark, CEO of the Highlanders
Otago Cricket is proud to partner with DVML, the Highlanders and Otago Rugby to support the We Can – Community Can appeal. It’s all about helping our community by working together to make a positive impact. - Mike Coggan, Otago Cricket CEO.
The Dunedin Venues Team will deliver all donations to the Dunedin Foodbanks, The Salvation Army, St Vincent de Paul and Presbyterian Support Otago. Fire and Emergency Services will be collecting donations at the Old Smith City Building from November 27th to December 5th.
“The We Can – Community Can Appeal is an opportunity for us all to get in and support our community, as this can be a really challenging time of year for some people. It is fantastic to see like-minded organisations such as Otago Cricket, DVML, Highlanders and Otago Rugby joining together with our Fire and Emergency services to raise awareness of this important event.” - Richard Kinley, CEO of the Otago Rugby Football Union.
“The team will be masked up and waiting for you to drive on through, said Terry Davies. Remember to wear a facemask and maintain a 1 metre distance in accordance with Covid 19 Government Guidelines”.
Please email Kim at kim.dodds@dunedinvenues.co.nz to confirm your support of this fundraising event.
For more information, please see the flyer attached or visit https://forsythbarrstadium.co.nz/whats-on/upcoming-events/we-can-community-can-appeal